Editor's Page

Access Matters

Braille Codes and Characters: History and Current Use - Part 1

Judy Dixon

Part 1 of this article will discuss the history of braille codes in the United
States with particular emphasis on how braille became usable with computers.
This encompasses both braille as it is sent from a computer for embossing, and
braille as it is read from a computer with a refreshable braille display.

Product Reviews and Guides

The Mustang GT Amp from Fender—a case study in VoiceOver accessibility

Bill Holton

In this article I’m going to use guitars as a springboard to talk about the benefits and limitations of an ever-growing trend in the consumer electronics marketplace—pairing, accessing, and controlling a physical device with a smartphone app or smart speaker.

Apple Fitness+ Revisited

Janet Ingber

We originally reviewed Apple Fitness+ in 2021, but at that time the app was not fully accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Due to recent changes, we are taking a second look to explore the accessibility updates.

A Review of Evidence 111, An Audio Game Optimized for People who are Blind or Have Low Vision

Jamie Pauls

In the fall of 2022, game developer Play By Ears released their first audio game in the United States. Entitled Evidence 111, the game uses no graphics, and is designed as an audio only experience. The developers of the game did not target the title specifically for blind and vision impaired players, but realized that the title would be perfect for that audience. To that end, they worked with members of the blind community to ensure the best experience for those who could not see the screen.