2024 AFBLC Presentation: Breakout 1, Session 1 Date: Day 2, Tuesday, September 24th 2024 Time: 10:10am to 11:00am

This interactive session provides an opportunity to examine, explore, and consider the critical questions and concepts in educating and preparing individuals for a future of learning, living, and working in an evolving and unknown future digital literacy environment.

How can we adapt and grow in the face of rapidly advancing technology? What materials, tools, and technology will be essential for effective and self-directed learning? How should teacher preparation evolve, and what knowledge and skills will be essential for educators? These questions are not new. In the past, whenever we thought we had the answers, the context changed, and achieving effectiveness and success seemed elusive.

We will set the stage for reflective inquiry by examining the critical elements in the current educational context with high demands for accessible teaching and learning environments. What works? What are the challenges? We will examine what we know. Then, we will consider the critical questions, concepts, and ideas for moving forward.

This session is a “Call for Reflection” to consider how we continually evolve as educators. What are the critical mindsets? What fundamental changes are needed? What’s the new foundation? And how do we build differently for success? What are the new collaborations? What are the new supports?

Session attendees will be encouraged to reflect and dialog, identifying their own questions, concerns, and hopes; examine meaningful experiences and influences; and consider priorities for creating and transforming how we teach and learn for a future we do not know.


Donna McNear

M.A., COMS, Career Teacher & Independent Educational Consultant, McNear Consulting

Donna McNear, M.A., COMS, is a career teacher/independent educational consultant specializing in services and supports to children with visual impairments. She provides ongoing technical assistance/professional development to schools, educational agencies, organizations, and families nationally and internationally. She is an author, researcher, and frequent presenter at conferences/webinars. She is a recipient of the Outstanding Leadership Award, Council for Exceptional Children; and the Holbrook-Humphries Literacy Award, Getting In Touch with Literacy 2023. She recently was appointed to the Philanthropic Council for the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain, University of Minnesota.

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