
The AFB Center on Vision Loss (CVL) was recently visited by the Texas Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) during their quarterly meeting. ASID members and CVL staff got acquainted with one another over a delicious baked potato bar provided by Dallas Sight and Sound.

Former Director of the CVL, Judy Scott, welcomes interior designers to the Center on Vision Loss

ASID Texas Chapter leaders, Karen Parks and Carrie Barron, kicked off the the day with opening remarks. Former Director of the CVL, Judy Scott, welcomed the group to the Center on Vision Loss. She encouraged them to think about inclusive design as fundamental when laying out spaces. After opening remarks were made, Megan Dodd, Director of the CVL, Neva Fairchild, CVL staff member, and volunteer Mary Witherspoon took ASID members on an in-depth tour of Esther's Place.

Mary Witherspoon explains contrast and lighting at AFB Center on Vision Loss.Neva Fairchild demonstrates how a video magnifier (CCTV) can be used to make printed material accessible by highlighting, enlarging, or increasing contrast on the text of an object.

Members of the ASID were introduced to how color and contrast can make a big difference when working in the home, office, or when sitting down to a meal when you are a person with a visual impairment. Neva Fairchild demonstrated how a video magnifier (CCTV) can be used to make printed material accessible by highlighting, enlarging, or increasing contrast of printed text. Megan explained how adaptive software and technology advancements are creating more possibilities for individuals—both in accessing information and pursuing career paths.

Megan Dodd explains how adaptive software and technology advancements are creating more possibilities for individuals, both in accessing information and pursuing career paths.examples of color, contrast, lighting, and products available in the kitchen of Esther's Place

ASID members also explored the many examples of color contrast, lighting, and products available in the kitchen of Esther's Place. They also learned about products guests can purchase from the 4LowVision store—a retail outlet located on-site at the Center on Vision Loss.

products guests can purchase from the 4LowVision store, a retail outlet located on-site at the Center on Vision Loss.

Thank you to all ASID members and CVL staff for making the day entertaining as well as educational!