
'Online Booking' road sign with an airplane overhead in the background.

Spring is in the air, and it is time to start thinking about upcoming vacation plans. Whether you will be traveling by plane, train, boat, or bus, there's a strong likelihood you'll be using travel websites and services to plan your trip.

Online travel services, including travel aggregators such as Travelocity and Kayak, as well as hotel, airline, train, bus and ship websites, offer customers the convenience of comparison shopping, purchasing, and managing their travel from the convenience of their computer or mobile device.

Have you had any difficulties accessing these types of online services? Or have you found a great site that is fully accessible? We want to hear from you. Please take a moment to complete AFB's 17-question survey to help us understand more about the experiences of blind and visually impaired customers of online travel services.

Results of this survey will appear in a future AccessWorld article.

As always, we thank you for your input.

"Online Booking" road sign photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

Author Lee Huffman
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