
Photo of Kirk Adams

In his June 30 HR Dive op-ed “'A moment of inclusion': Will the post-pandemic workplace be more friendly to people with disabilities?” AFB’s president and CEO suggests that the work-from-home experience millions of Americans have faced in response to the novel coronavirus might lead to a more inclusive and accessible workplace – whether that be at office or home.

Dr. Adams writes: “For a sizable faction of the workplace that already struggled with unreliable, time-consuming, or expensive commutes to work, the sudden embrace of remote work has felt like a moment of inclusion. Working remotely has rapidly become legitimized, which could represent a seismic shift for employees with disabilities.”

Employment, especially during the pandemic, is and has been a major focus for AFB. Dr. Adams points out that there is still work to be done, from ensuring accessibility in remote work tools like Zoom and Slack, to office accommodations such as braille signage, but we are at a crossroads with a potentially tremendous opportunity on the horizon.

Read Dr. Kirk Adam’s HR Dive op-ed.

Related Resources:

COVID-19 Resources from the American Foundation for the Blind
Mitigate Unconscious Bias Webinar
Inclusive Remote Work Environments Webinar