Kirk Adams, standing with his cane, wearing academic cap and gown.
Kirk Adams, standing with his cane, wearing academic cap and gown.

The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is delighted to announce that our President and CEO, Kirk Adams, was awarded his doctorate in Leadership and Change from Antioch University on August 3.

Antioch’s PhD in Leadership and Change program is “dedicated to engaging working professionals in the interdisciplinary study, research and practice of leading positive change in workplaces, schools, organizations, and communities, across the country and world.” Kirk’s dissertation was titled “Journeys Through Rough Country: An Ethnographic Study of Blind Adults Successfully Employed in American Corporations.”

You could say this program was a perfect fit for Kirk. At AFB, we convene leaders—across our field and among business leaders, public officials and other decision-makers—to champion the development of legislation and best practices that provide equal opportunities for people who are blind or visually impaired. In order to make this philosophical stance a reality, it is paramount that we follow best practices ourselves to create effective partnerships and collaborations in accordance with our core values. These values align with the AFB's strategic objectives of producing knowledge, promoting understanding, shaping policy, and ensuring organizational effectiveness. In the coming weeks and months, we will kick off a series of blog posts highlighting Kirk’s reflections on leadership and change, largely based on his academic writings.

On behalf of the entire organization, we congratulate Kirk for this milestone achievement, and look forward to assisting Kirk in putting theory into practice as we strive to create a world of no limits for people who are blind or visually impaired.