April 3-5, 2003
Still Where It's AT: Assistive Technology for Children and Youth Conference
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Events of Distinction, 519 Nordstrum Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 7X9; phone: 306-651-3118; fax: 306-651-3119; e-mail: <eofd@sk.sympatico.ca>.
April 5-10, 2003
CHI 2003: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Fort Lauderdale, FL
CHI 2003 Office, Smith Bucklin and Associates; phone: 312-321-4096; e-mail: <chi2003-office@acm.org>; web site: <www.chi2003.org>.
April 17-19, 2003
Braille and Nonvisual Access Technology (BNAT) Seminar
Baltimore, MD
National Federation of the Blind; phone: 410-659-9314; e-mail: <ajoyce@nfb.org>; web site: <www.nfb.org/cbt/application.htm>.
May 2-3, 2003
Conference for Assistive Technology Solutions
Baton Rouge, LA
Adaptive Solutions; phone: 225-387-0428; e-mail: <sherry@adaptive-sol.com>; web site: <www.adaptive-sol.com>.
June 19-23, 2003
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America's (RESNA) 26th International Conference on Technology and Disability
Atlanta, GA
RESNA; phone: 703-524-6686; web site: <www.resna.org>.
October 16-18, 2003
21st Annual Closing the Gap Conference
Bloomington, MN
Closing the Gap; phone: 507-248-3294; e-mail: <info@closingthegap.com>; web site: <www.closingthegap.com>.