September 18–20, 2002
International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT).
Veszprém, Hungary. The conference will address visual impairment.
Professor Paul M. Sharkey, ICDVRAT 2002; phone: 011-44-118-931-67-04; e-mail: <>.
October 3–5, 2002
World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities.
Orlando, FL.
World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities; phone: 877-923-3976 or 201-226-1446; e-mail: <>.
October 17–19, 2002
20th Annual Closing the Gap Conference on Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation.
Bloomington, MN.
Closing the Gap; phone: 507-248-3294; e-mail: <>; web site: <>.
October 29–November 1, 2002
SpeechTEK International Exposition and Educational Conference.
New York, NY.
Chris Nolan, conference manager; phone: 877-993-9767 or 859-278- 2223; e-mail: <>.
November 6–8, 2002
Fifth Annual Accessing Higher Ground: Assistive Technology in Higher Education.
Boulder, CO.
Disability Services, University of Colorado; phone: 303-492-8671; e-mail: <>; web site: <>.