July 15-20, 2002
8th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) Conference.
Linz, Austria.
Klaus Miesenberger or Barbara Arrer, ICCHP 2002, University of Linz; phone: 011-43-732-2468-9853; e-mail: <icchp@aib.uni-linz.ac.at>; web site: <www.aib.uni-linz.ac.at/icchp/exhibition.html>.
July 22–25, 2002
Designing for Usability, Flexibility, and Accessibility.
Madison, WI. The workshop is for product developers and consultants in the information technology or telecommunications fields.
Kate Vanderheiden, Trace Research and Development Center; phone: 608-265-4621; e-mail: <vanderk@trace.wisc.edu>; web site: <www.trace.wisc.edu>.
September 18–20, 2002
International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT).
Veszprém, Hungary. The conference will address visual impairment.
Professor Paul M. Sharkey, ICDVRAT 2002; phone: 011-44-118-931-67-04; e-mail: <p.m.sharkey@reading.ac.uk>.
October 3–5, 2002
World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities.
Orlando, FL.
World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities; phone: 877-923-3976 or 201-226-1446; e-mail: <wcdinfo@wcdexpo.com>.
October 17–19, 2002
20th Annual Closing the Gap Conference on Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation.
Bloomington, MN.
Closing the Gap; phone: 507-248-3294; e-mail: <info@closingthegap.com>; web site: <www.closingthegap.com/conf>.