In this section, we publish letters submitted by AccessWorld readers on a range of topics. If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, you can do so by sending an email to the Editor, Aaron Preece at or by activating the "Comment on this article" link at the bottom of any article.

Dear AccessWorld Editor,

This message is in reference to Steve Kelley's November 2020 article, The New eSight 4 Wearable

I have an Apple watch and an iPhone. I noticed that the Apple watch is capable of working in conjunction with the iPhone camera. So it is possible to view on your Apple watch what the iPhone camera is seeing! I believe this has incredible potential for the low vision community. Even cooler, you have the capability of zooming in and out with the Apple watch what the iPhone camera is seeing by rotating the crown of the watch clockwise or counter-clockwise.

What this means is that Apple already has the needed technology to build a product similar to eSight 4. It is also very likely that they could sell the product at a fraction of the nearly $6,000.00 that eSight is asking for.

Here is how to view what the iPhone camera is viewing on an Apple watch:

  1. Have the iPhone camera accessible and ready to use
  2. On the Apple watch go to All Apps and then to Camera Remote

Like magic, you will see what your iPhone camera is seeing on your Apple watch!


Mike Estomba

January 2021 Table of Contents

Article Topic
Letters to the Editor