Dear AccessWorld Readers,
On behalf of the entire AccessWorld team, we hope this message finds you in good health. As the world adapts to the unusual circumstances brought about by the coronavirus, I wanted to share what we are doing to support the blind and visually impaired community during this turbulent time.
AFB and AccessWorld staff are safe and continuing to work to bring you the most current technology information. AFB has temporarily closed its two brick-and-mortar offices, our headquarters in the Washington DC metro area and our West Virginia location. Our in-office staff has joined the majority of AFB’s staff in the virtual world of telecommuting, and we are making every effort to make that temporary shift as seamless as possible for ourselves, and completely unnoticeable to our community.
In order to bring AccessWorld readers and other AFB audiences coronavirus resources in the most timely method possible, AccessWorld authors have been drafting COVID-19 AFB Blog posts on diverse topics, sharing information on accessible education resources for students of all ages, accessible neighborhood networking platforms, accessible food and grocery delivery services, and best practices for caring for your dog guide if you happen to be ill, and more. We have been using AFB’s blog to bring you this information and links to additional resources we believe will be valuable to you during this time, and we have captured all those posts and published them as one article in this issue.
AFB staff and AccessWorld team members will continue to regularly update the AFB Blog with COVID-19 information resources throughout the coming weeks. Our team is working hard to provide as many resources to our community as possible. Please check back daily, as AFB’s Blog page is continually updated. I encourage you to be a helpful resource to your family, friends, students, employees, and community by sharing the AFB Blog and AccessWorld with them.
Above all, stay well, and take an abundance of caution to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Please know, in addition to COVID-19 information, AccessWorld will continue to bring you its regular access technology content throughout the coming months.
Lee Huffman, AccessWorld Editor-in-Chief
American Foundation for the Blind