
Various Assistive Technology Applications Certificate Program (ATACP) Training Workshops.

Locations throughout the United States.


California State University, Northridge, Center on Disabilities; phone: 818-677-2578; web site: www.csun.edu/codtraining.

June 1-5

Inclusion By Design International World Congress.

Montreal, Canada. The conference is hosted by the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work.


Inclusion By Design, Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, 302-500 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1V7, Canada; phone: 416-260-3060, extension 231, or 800-664-0925, extension 231; e-mail: info@ccrw.org; web site: www.ccrw.org/ccrw/worldcongress/sum-eng.htm.

June 22-26

Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) 2001 Annual Conference.

Reno, NV.


RESNA; phone: 703-524-6686; fax: 703-524-6630; e-mail: info@resna.org; web site: www.resna.org.

June 25-30

Ed-Media: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications.

Tampere, Finland.


Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education; phone: 757-623-7588; e-mail: info@aace.org; web site: www.aace.org.

June 30-July 7

American Council of the Blind 2001 Convention.

Des Moines, IA.


American Council of the Blind; phone: 800-424-8666 or 202-467-5081; web site: www.acb.org.

July 1-7

National Federation of the Blind National Convention 2001.

Philadelphia, PA. Note that the conference venue has changed from a hotel in Detroit, MI to the Philadelphia Mariott.


National Federation of the Blind; phone: 410-659-9314; web site: www.nfb.org.

July 9-13

Interact 2001: 8th Annual Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

Tokyo, Japan.


Interact 2001 Secretaraiat, NOVAS, 9-5 Shinsen-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0045, Japan; phone: 011-81-3-5489-7471; fax: 011-81-3-5489-7472; e-mail: interact2001@eie.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp; web site: www.interact2001.com.

August 3-5

2001: A Technology Odyssey.

Sponsored by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER). Pittsburgh, PA.


Mark Uslan, AFB, co-chair; phone: 212-502-7638; e-mail: muslan@afb.net. Barbara McCarthy, AER, co-chair; phone: 804-371-3661; e-mail: mccartbn@dvh.state.va.us.

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