Lee Huffman

Dear AccessWorld readers,

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month, and AccessWorld is once again taking this opportunity to focus on employment with articles that provide strategies, insider perspectives, and information about employment resources and new employment initiatives.

October is a time to celebrate the skills and accomplishments of American workers with disabilities. Further, it's a time to illuminate and discuss the employment barriers that still exist and, with renewed vigor, pursue their removal.

In historical perspective, the effort to educate the American public about issues related to disability and employment began in 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October as National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. In 1962, the word "physically" was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. In 1988, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Things have changed a lot since 1945, but we still have a very long way to go.

When thinking about the unemployment rate of people who are blind or visually impaired, the question often arises, "What is the major factor affecting whether or not a person with vision loss is or is not employed?" Too often, I feel, people want to highlight a single reason as the major cause for the differential between being employed or being unemployed. Instead of offering one reason, I assert that the underlying factor is that there is such inconsistency around the United States in the training and preparation of people with vision loss from an early age through adulthood.

Neither public nor private services are created equally, and, for that matter, no government or private entity offers those services in the same manner. This issue is larger than just vocational rehabilitation. It includes preparation in schools, nonprofits, various state agencies and services, and other important variables, including family involvement. There are a lot of fantastic programs and services available, but any given region may be strong in one service and lacking in another. I know this is obvious, but it needs to be said openly: our field needs to address our weaknesses and diligently work to make improvements. As you will read in this issue, that is exactly what AFB is currently working to do.

Each job seeker with vision loss has his or her own challenges. Unfortunately, I still see a level of learned helplessness among young people with disabilities, even among the brightest. Learned helplessness refers to an individual being taught that things will be done for them, which allows them to not attempt to initiate or do things on their own. Too often, at a young age, family and even teachers, can set the bar too low, expecting too little from young children or students with vision loss.

This type of thinking sometimes develops the perception that, when these students become job seekers, vocational rehabilitation is designed to find them jobs—but that is not its purpose. Vocational rehabilitation specialists can help and guide, but they are not job placement professionals. Job placement is an art; it is a mix of sales, community relations, and having a well-defined pool of applicants.

Job seekers battle the perceptions of employers about vision loss and their own perceptions about navigating the employment process. At the same time, the technology divide between those who have appropriate access and mainstream technology and those who have orientation and mobility training, and those who do not, is apparent. Those with O&M training and technology skills have a significantly greater chance at finding, obtaining, and maintaining successful employment, and being promoted along the way. In addition, job seekers are all individuals with strengths, skills, and weaknesses. All individuals have limitations, and not every job seeker is going to be—or wants to be—a computer programmer, accountant, teacher, mechanic, or maintenance worker. But most people do want to be productive and employed citizens.

This point in our nation's economy, with an estimated 6.9 million vacant job openings, is the best time in years to be looking for employment. So, get out there! Every interview is a learning experience. Even if you don't receive the job offer, learn from the experience. Apply those learnings to the next interview. Don't hope for luck. You make your own luck in this world, and that comes when your hard work and preparation meet the right opportunity.

I encourage everyone with vision loss to pursue every avenue of education and training possible. I encourage you to embrace and learn to skillfully use technology. Take it upon yourself to seek out resources such as AccessWorld to assist you with career readiness. Ultimately, it is your life and your career, and you are responsible for it. Take action! By working hard, obtaining education and skills, and seeking out and using resources available to you, you can find the job that's meant for you!

I hope you enjoy this issue and will join AccessWorld in recognizing and celebrating the inroads individuals with vision loss, and all disabilities, have made in the world of employment.

AccessWorld Editor-in-Chief
American Foundation for the Blind

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