Dear AccessWorld Editor,

I am writing to congratulate Larry Lewis on his extremely helpful series on Voiceover and iOS. I have an iPad, and I am stumbling through the learning process. His informative articles have helped me avoid errors and wasted time. Larry, keep up the good work. In fact, I think a regular series on this topic would be very helpful for many AccessWorld readers.

Best regards,

Larry C.

Dear AccessWorld Editor,

One of our teachers was browsing AccessWorld and brought Janet Ingber's June 2012 article, "Learning to Play a Musical Instrument: Resources for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired," to my attention. Perhaps you may not be aware the Music School of Lighthouse International is a wonderful resource to those with vision loss. We are the only community music school in the United States dedicated to individuals with vision loss, serving approximately 150 students on site each year. I'm proud to say that we are all enthusiastically preparing to celebrate our Centennial in 2013!

Please direct anyone or everyone to the Lighthouse International's website.

If you or AccessWorld readers need further information, we are happy to share and assist.

Best regards,

Leslie Jones, DMA, Executive Director
The Filomen M. D'Agostino Greenberg Music School
Lighthouse International
111 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1202
Tel: 212-821-9663

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Letters to the Editor