Lee Huffman

Dear AccessWorld readers,

This month, the AccessWorld team brings you a review of the PenFriend and Touch Memo label readers, a review of the Greyhound and Amtrak websites, and a commentary from the desk of AccessWorld's Senior Contributing Editor, Paul Schroder, with his thoughts on the accessibility disruptions and opportunities posed by recent trends in technology.

Speaking of disruptions, I am sure most of you are aware that Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, recently announced his resignation. As part of the announcement, we learned current COO, Tim Cook, a 13-year veteran of the company, would take over as CEO, with Jobs continuing as Chairman.

The accessibility of Apple products has changed the lives of many people with vision loss. We now must wonder how, if at all, this change in leadership will affect the company, its operations, and its commitment to accessibility. AccessWorld will be watching, and we will keep you informed as developments unfold.

Remember, if you missed the August issue—or any issue for that matter—you can easily get to the archive of AccessWorld back issues by selecting the "Back Issues" link from any AccessWorld webpage. You can search the archive by month and year. Another tip for finding information in the annals of AccessWorld: enter a search term into the "Search AccessWorld" box on any AccessWorld webage—or do the same on our Search page—and you'll get results for every online article we've published containing the terms you're looking for.

Please look for us again in October as we recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month!


Lee Huffman
AccessWorld Editor-in-Chief

Lee Huffman
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