Transcription of Letter

[End of Letterhead]

16 April 1931

My dear Mrs. Macy,

The President and Mrs. Hoover would like to have the pleasure of seeing more of Miss Keller than is possible from the few minutes when she brings her group to meet them on the twenty-second. Accordingly they wish to invite her to luncheon or to spend the night at the White House within the next week or two, if her program permits and if she enjoys making such visits.

However, before extending such an invitation, I am writing you to find out if Miss Keller does accept such invitations. May I say that as the President and Mrs. Hoover will now spend the weekends at their mountain camp it will be necessary to fit Miss Keller's visit between Mondays and Fridays. Perhaps it would be possible for her to stay down on the twenty-second, coming to luncheon and spending the rest of the day and night at the White House? Or she could come at some other time if she thinks it desirable to spend all of her time with the group she has with her.

Of course the President and Mrs. Hoover know that you always accompany Miss Keller and they will be delighted to have you as well as Miss Keller.

As they have official engagements for the evenings of April 20, 21, 27, 28, and 29, we will not consider these dates in connection with the possibility of Miss Keller's visit here.

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Would you be good enough to telephone me (National 1414) after you have given consideration to this matter, and we can settle the details by telephone before I send the formal invitation.

With appreciation of your kind assistance, I am (sic)

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Fesler

Secretary to Mrs. Hoover