Transcription of Letter

The White House

August 13 1948

My Dear Miss Keller:

I have been informed that you are again traveling through the countries of Asia and the Near and Middle East to continue your work with the Blind which had been interrupted by the war. Your tireless efforts to create a better world for the blind of your own country through social legislation are known to all of us, and your concern for the Blind in other areas of the world and efforts to help them are among the great humanitarian and cultural contributions of our time.

I know that I speak for the American people in expressing admiration and gratitude to you in this endeavor. In your meeting with peoples of other countries, I know that you will bring courage and comfort to the many who stand in need of your ministry.

May I assure you of my sincere wish for the success of your mission and your safe return home.

Very sincerely yours,

Harry S. Truman

Miss Helen Keller
c/o United States Political
Advisor for Japan
Tokyo, Japan