Transcription of Letter

[End of Letterhead]

January 12, 1942

Dear Miss Keller:

The brave words in your letter of December twenty-ninth and the courageous spirit which moved you to write them have given me real strength and courage to face the tasks that lie ahead. You always, and rightly, interpret events in spiritual terms. How clearly you see that in the present world crisis we shall find our surest support in things of the spirit.

Truly, the brotherhood of man depends on the fatherhood of God and if we neglect our obligation to the Most High we can hardly fulfill our duty to the society in which we live. To these unchanging truths you bear eloquent witness in terms of beauty and with deep insight into essential things.

I am grateful, too, for your affectionate New Year greetings, which Mrs. Roosevelt and I heartily reciprocate.

Very sincerely yours,

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Miss Helen Keller,
Arcan Ridge,
Westport, Connecticut.