
February 19, 1933.

Dear Mrs. Roosevelt,

We have met only twice for a moment, but I have been drawn to you by your earnest, constructive efforts in behalf of the unprivileged (sic), and since Election Day I have felt the bond of sympathy grow stronger and stronger between us. I cannot tell you with what pride and satisfaction I have followed your courageous activities. Your talks over the radio have in them the ring of conscience and vision.

Like all the world I shall be thinking of you and our new President on March 4th. Already the national atmosphere is clearer and brighter because of you both. A good man with the best intentions cannot fail to bring much good to pass.

Mingled with my hope for the nation is the wish, always present in my mind, that the blind who still abide in the dim forests of our days may share in the light of your coming. This desire emboldens me to make a request -- that, either at the inaugural ceremony or at the ball that evening, you wear a corsage as a token of the affectionate regard of the blind of America. If you grant this request, I shall be most happy to know your favorite colors and have Max Schling make up a bouquet suitable to the occasion. The very thought of your wearing the flowers would gladden the hearts of the blind. It would be a gesture never forgotten by those who appreciate a beautiful deed. You have always listened to the needs of the humblest with ministering tenderness, and in wishing to have you include the sightless in the circle of your benevolence I am only asking the rose to give of its own fragrance.

For my part, my heart and hopes are all with Mr. Roosevelt and you on the eve of what I believe will be a great and splendid administration. With respect and affection, I am,

Sincerely yours,