Dear AccessWorld readers,
In 2003, AccessWorld made the transition from hard copy to the world of online publication. Since that time, AccessWorld has experienced phenomenal growth, and we are grateful to our loyal readers who have supported our magazine and participated in the many surveys we conduct. We are equally grateful to the men and women who have contributed their time and vast knowledge in order to establish AccessWorld as one of the most reputable sources of information in matters of accessibility, technology, and vision loss.
As I wrote in the May Editor's Page, AccessWorld is listening. I also told readers to be on the lookout for ways to provide information and feedback to AccessWorld and AFB's tech staff. As Editor-in-Chief, I want to make sure AccessWorld continues to meet your needs. I want to know which technologies you use and which you want to learn more about. I would like to hear your thoughts regarding the coverage provided in AccessWorld. Are you satisfied with article length and level of detail, frequency of publication, and mix of topics? If so, great! If you have ideas for improvements, we want to hear them! Either way, let us hear from you.
Please participate in a feedback questionnaire to help you provide us with your views. My tech colleagues at AFB are also interested in other ideas you might have to share with us regarding mobile app development. Please take a few moments to answer a few questions to help us be even better resources for you.
Lee Huffman, AccessWorld Editor-in-Chief
American Foundation for the Blind