Lee Huffman

Dear AccessWorld readers,

We at AccessWorld have been thrilled by the number of letters we have received in response to Tara Annis' article on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) access from the July issue. We have been wanting to bring our readers information about STEM access for a while now and felt July's Back to School issue was perfect timing. What we didn't necessarily anticipate was such a vocal response.

Tara and I have both received a number of letters supporting not only the article, but the information that has been gained from its content and links. Do to the overwhelming response; we have decided to continue providing information on STEM access. Look for more articles on the subject from Tara in upcoming issues.

Beginning this month, at the end of each article, there will be an opportunity for readers to comment on the article they have just read. Just select the comment on this article link, and send your comments right to my in box. Your comments, questions, and feedback will help us better understand your interests and in turn, better meet your needs. I hope you will try it out, and let us know what you are thinking!

Lee Huffman
AccessWorld Editor-in Chief

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